'The Library of Babel'

'The Library of Babel' is a short story by Argentine author and librarian Jorge Luis Borges.

It describes a universe where all of humanity is trapped in a seemingly-infinite labyrinth of a library, with bookshelves filled with unique 410-page books consisting of random sequences of characters.

Although most of the books are just gibberish, logically, everything that has ever been written, could've been written, will be written in the future, etc. is contained within the library. If you search hard enough, you will be able to find things such as a detailed description of your future death, your autobiography, or even what is contained on this page.

Humans, referred to as 'librarians', become very zealous and superstitious in their quest to find meaning within the books. One group, the 'Purifiers', seek to destroy all books they see as nonsense in order to find the 'Crimson Hexagon' wing of the labyrinth, which is believed to wield magical books. Others believe that there must be a book that is a perfect cipher and compedium to the rest of the library, and that whoever might have found it is equivalent to God, nicknamed the 'Book-Man'.

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